# verification-helper: PROBLEM https://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=GRL_1_A require "../../src/nglib/graph/radix_dijkstra" require "../../src/nglib/constants" n, m, r = read_line.split.map &.to_i64 graph = NgLib::DijkstraGraph.new(n) m.times do u, v, w = read_line.split.map &.to_i64 graph.add_edge(u, v, w, directed: true) end dist = graph.shortest_path(start: r) n.times do |i| puts dist[i] >= OO ? "INF" : dist[i] end
# verification-helper: PROBLEM https://judge.u-aizu.ac.jp/onlinejudge/description.jsp?id=GRL_1_A # require "../../src/nglib/graph/radix_dijkstra" # require "../constants.cr" OO = (1_i64 << 62) - (1_i64 << 31) module NgLib # $n$ 頂点 $m$ 辺の重み付きグラフに対して、最短経路を求めます。 # # 経路の復元も可能です。 # # このクラスは辺の重みが非負整数であるときのみ使えます。 # 辺の重みに非負整数以外を使いたい場合は `nglib/graph/dijkstra` を `require` してください。 class DijkstraGraph record Edge, target : Int32, weight : UInt64 # 基数ヒープ private class RadixHeap64(T) @s : Int32 @last : UInt64 @bit : Int32 @vs : Array(Array({UInt64, T})) @ms : Array(UInt64) def initialize @s = 0 @last = 0_u64 @bit = sizeof(UInt64) * 8 @vs = Array.new(@bit + 1) { [] of {UInt64, T} } @ms = Array.new(@bit + 1) { -1.to_u64! } end def empty? : Bool @s == 0 end def size : Int32 s end @[AlwaysInline] def get_bit(x : UInt64) : UInt64 64_u64 - x.leading_zeros_count end def push(key : UInt64, val : T) : Nil @s += 1 b = get_bit(key ^ @last) @vs[b] << {key, val} @ms[b] = Math.min(@ms[b], key) end def pop : {UInt64, T} if @ms[0] == -1.to_u64! idx = @ms.index! { |elem| elem != -1.to_u64! } @last = @ms[idx] @vs[idx].each do |v| b = get_bit(v[0] ^ @last) @vs[b] << v @ms[b] = Math.min(@ms[b], v[0]) end @vs[idx].clear @ms[idx] = -1.to_u64! end @s -= 1 res = @vs[0].last @vs[0].pop @ms[0] = -1.to_u64! if @vs[0].empty? res end end getter size : Int32 @graph : Array(Array(Edge)) # $n$ 頂点 $0$ 辺からなるグラフを作成します。 # # ``` # graph = Dijkstra.new(n) # ``` def initialize(n : Int) @size = n.to_i32 @graph = Array.new(@size) { Array(Edge).new } end # 非負整数の重み $w$ の辺 $(u, v)$ を追加します。 # # `directed` が `true` の場合、 # 有向辺とみなして、$u$ から $v$ への辺のみ生やします。 # # ``` # graph = Dijkstra.new(n) # graph.add_edge(u, v, w) # => (u) <---w---> (v) # graph.add_edge(u, v, w, directed: true) # => (u) ----w---> (v) # ``` def add_edge(u : Int, v : Int, w : Int, directed : Bool = true) @graph[u.to_i32] << Edge.new(v.to_i32, w.to_u64) @graph[v.to_i32] << Edge.new(u.to_i32, w.to_u64) unless directed end # 全点対間の最短経路長を返します。 # # ``` # dists = graph.shortest_path # dists # => [[0, 1, 3], [1, 0, 2], [1, 1, 0]] # ``` def shortest_path (0...@size).map { |start| shortest_path(start) } end # 始点 `start` から各頂点への最短経路長を返します。 # # ``` # dist = graph.shortest_path(2) # dist # => [3, 8, 0, 7, 1] # ``` def shortest_path(start : Int) dist = [OO] * @size dist[start] = 0_i64 next_node = RadixHeap64(Int32).new next_node.push(0_u64, start.to_i32) until next_node.empty? d, source = next_node.pop next if dist[source] < d @graph[source].each do |e| next_cost = dist[source] + e.weight if next_cost < dist[e.target] dist[e.target] = next_cost next_node.push(next_cost.to_u64, e.target) end end end dist end # 始点 `start` から終点 `dest` への最短経路長を返します。 # # ``` # dist = graph.shortest_path(start: 2, dest: 0) # dist # => 12 # ``` def shortest_path(start : Int, dest : Int) shortest_path(start)[dest] end # 始点 `start` から終点 `dest` への最短経路の一例を返します。 # # ``` # route = graph.shortest_path_route(start: 2, dest: 0) # route # => [2, 7, 1, 0] # ``` def shortest_path_route(start, dest) prev = impl_memo_route(start) res = Array(Int32).new now : Int32? = dest.to_i32 until now.nil? res << now.not_nil! now = prev[now] end res.reverse end # 始点 `start` から最短路木を構築します。 # # 最短路木は `start` からの最短経路のみを残した全域木です。 # # ``` # route = graph.shortest_path_route(start: 2, dest: 0) # route # => [2, 7, 1, 0] # ``` def shortest_path_tree(start, directed : Bool = true) : Array(Array(Int32)) dist = [OO] * @size dist[start] = 0_i64 next_node = RadixHeap64(Int32).new next_node.push(0_u64, start.to_i32) birth = [-1] * @size until next_node.empty? d, source = next_node.pop next if dist[source] < d @graph[source].each do |e| next_cost = dist[source] + e.weight if next_cost < dist[e.target] dist[e.target] = next_cost next_node.push(next_cost.to_u64, e.target) birth[e.target] = source end end end tree = Array.new(@size) { [] of Int32 } @size.times do |target| source = birth[target] next if source == -1 tree[source] << target tree[target] << source unless directed end tree end # 経路復元のための「どこから移動してきたか」を # メモした配列を返します。 private def impl_memo_route(start) dist = [OO] * @size dist[start] = 0_i64 prev = Array(Int32?).new(@size) { nil } next_node = RadixHeap64(Int32).new next_node.push(0_u64, start.to_i32) until next_node.empty? d, source = next_node.pop next if dist[source] < d @graph[source].each do |e| next_cost = dist[source] + e.weight if next_cost < dist[e.target] dist[e.target] = next_cost prev[e.target] = source next_node.push(next_cost.to_u64, e.target) end end end prev end end end # require "../../src/nglib/constants" n, m, r = read_line.split.map &.to_i64 graph = NgLib::DijkstraGraph.new(n) m.times do u, v, w = read_line.split.map &.to_i64 graph.add_edge(u, v, w, directed: true) end dist = graph.shortest_path(start: r) n.times do |i| puts dist[i] >= OO ? "INF" : dist[i] end